Programma 2021

The festival is structured through debates, conferences, working tables and workshops both in a participatory form open to the public and with remote participation via online platforms and, this, to disseminate a new culture of respect and protection of the Planet.



Festival Motumundi

Cerimonia di apertura della seconda edizione del festival internazionale su clima e ambiente Motumundi. Acqua, oceani e vita sono i temi della lectures magistralis che sarà protagonista al Teatro Comunale di Cavriglia.

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Festival Motumundi

Agrifood, innovazione come leva di sostenibilità e competitività. Si parla anche di sviluppo sostenibile della Blue Economy nel Mediterraneo, nonché di Covid 19 e ricerca. Fari puntati su acqua, cibo, energia e salute del Pianeta.

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Festival Motumundi

Spazi urbani, finanza, ecodiplomazia e turismo sostenibile si articoleranno con economia circolare nel settore moda. Spazio all’autore con il libro “La principessa afghana”, ma anche a scienza e cooperazione allo sviluppo green.

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Festival Motumundi

L’epidemia di coronavirus diffusa a livello globale, le vittime, ma anche coloro che sono sopravvissuti. Nella giornata conclusiva spazio alla musica e alla biciclettata green nell’area mineraria di Cavriglia.

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Festival Motumundi Gallery

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Climate & Art

The festival includes, among others, research institutes and organizations for the protection of the environment that have the opportunity to exhibit their work in an interactive way, using the Italian and English languages. These are public events with free admission that frame an exhibition of works of art made with recycled material.

The bank become green

BCC Venezia Giulia, chaired by Carlo Antonio Feruglio, is the first Cooperative Credit Bank in Italy to have installed a charging station for electric cars outside the headquarters of the credit institution. The project is part of the strategic objectives promoted by the bank for the development of sustainable mobility. The BCC Venezia Giulia has also invested in electric company cars for employee travel.


Il cambiamento climatico, l’educazione ambientale, la ricerca contro l’inquinamento, lo sviluppo ecosostenibile della società, i 17 UN sustainable development goals e la plastic free sono i pilastri del festival che avrà il cuore pulsante a Cavriglia, in provincia di Arezzo, e in cui dialogheranno, oltre ai rappresentanti della comunità scientifica internazionale, gli studenti di diverso ordine e grado che sono i veri protagonisti di Motumundi.

  • Teatro Comunale Cavriglia

  • Centro GeoTecnologie Università di Siena

  • Sala Margherita Hack (Bellosguardo)
  • Centrale Enel Santa Barbara

  • Museo Mine (Castelnuovo Sabbioni)
  • Polo impiantistico di Podere Rota (Terranuova

Social Programme

The medieval village of Castello di Albola rises on top of the splendid Chianti hills, in an incomparable place for the charm of history, for the suggestions of art and for the unique and unsurpassed agro-landscape context. Belonging to the noblest Tuscan families, from the Acciaioli to the Samminiati, from the Pazzi to the Ginori Conti, since 1979 it has been owned by the Zonin family who have dedicated their best care to it for forty years. The first commitment on the part of the family was to bring the vineyards to a high quality production level, and then proceed with the arrangement of the farmhouses and the beautiful manor house which has a sixteenth-century plan, but preserves traces of the medieval castle in the two massive towers.

Together with the recovery and restoration of the villa and the village, the rural buildings that are now used for accommodation have also been restored, and the new cellar has been built, perfectly harmonized with the surrounding landscape. The Zonin family has also worked hard to expand both the vineyards and the farm which today covers 900 hectares, of which over 110 are planted with vines and where over 4000 olive trees stand out.

The Castello di Albola is also a place of delight for those who want to get in touch with a unique environment like that of the Chianti Classico, for those who want to live in history, for those who want to taste the great wines of this renowned estate while savoring the charm of the Tuscan territory.


The village of Villa Barberino was the subject of a long restoration by the Boni family which brought it back to its lost charm since the end of the nineteenth century. The resort has a restaurant, swimming pool, solarium, tennis court, Italian gardens, forest, meeting room, rooms and apartments finely restored with period furniture and antiques.

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